I have found that in the midst of uncertainty and lack of every day routine, that we have needed to put more structure into our day. Children in the 0-6 age range thrive on routine and order. If they know what to expect and understand the rhyme of the day, they are more likely to be joyful and agreeable in the journey.
Our morning and evening routines, weren't feeling as peaceful as I would like in our home. After some thought and research, I found this great resource from Simone Davies. She is the author of "The Montessori Toddler" and writes a blog called "The Montessori Notebook." I signed up to receive her emails and in one of her recent posts she offered these cards as a free printable.
I sat down with my youngest child and looked at the photos. She decided the order that she wanted to complete her morning and evening tasks (with a little support and scaffolding). Since we've started this routine, I ask my youngest to look at her jobs. She'll look at the job and complete the jobs in the order they are presented. If she forgets what's next, I'll encourage her to look at her list.

In addition to having the routine posted, I moved all the necessary items to complete her tasks to her level. This little basket is located under our bathroom sink. Inside the basket, she has access to her tooth paste, tooth brush, comb, floss sticks, and hair ties. In her bedroom, her pajamas and books for reading are also at a level that she is able to access them without my support.
The picture schedule provides structure for her daily routines, takes away control from me and gives control to her which in turn promotes independence. We have had much smoother evenings, filled with a more joyful and peaceful child.
For your reference, here is Simone Davies blog.